Prayer Shawl Ministry

Need a prayer shawl for someone you know?

Please call Kim at (941) 795-2540.

Pink pumpkins for cancer patients, survivors October 2023

Parish & Prayer Shawl Ministry cited with appreciation by Church Women United of Manatee County

Prayer shawls, lap blankets and afghans are hand made with love as gifts for people who are physically, spiritually, or emotionally ill, or are undergoing a life-changing event. The crochet and knitted gifts are beautifully wrapped. We also include a prayer card and a handmade rosary (made by our Rosary Makers). Each item is blessed by one of our priests.




Do you crochet, knit, or make fringe?? Come join us!



Need a prayer shawl for someone you know?

Please call Kim at (941) 795-2540.


Have a question about the Prayer Shawl Ministry?

Please call Kathe (941) 792-6915.



The Prayer Shawl Ministry over the years